apparently there is new u2 album due out this year. and i have to say that i am not sure if i will bother buying it - at all. this is quite a big deal
i don't want to be one of thse people who don't like u2 because they are the biggest band in the world - cos they're dicks (DMC), but i think they have released their last good album. i won't be forking out £60 to go and see them again. (when i say see them, i mean watch them on a big screen from a great distance).
the other "big" albums on my radar this year are REM and coldplay. i have heard the new REM song and it is pretty good - i like REM. i think coldplay might be doing a good album, based on the fact the first and third one was poo and their second one was great.
i suppose i should mention the brits this week.
i respect your right to be wrong :)
great songs...
"Miracle Drug"
"Sometimes You Can't Make It on Your Own"
"City of Blinding Lights"
"Crumbs from Your Table"
call me old fashioned but i have never heard of these 2u people
thanks for the respect, but you kind of ruined your case by including "miracle drug" and "crumbs from your table" in the list.
i feel the need to complement your liberal use of swearing. it's refreshing... like an sniff of vicks on a stuffy day
I dislike U2, not because they are the biggest band in the world, but because they are an average band who are incredibly arrogant about their average songs. There's nothing particularly offensive about their music. But Bono does offend me, going around spouting his ill informed nonsense about the poor ( asking governments to give more money to Africa, when he personally avoids paying tax to his own government, exploiting tax havens to increase his huge personal wealth, when the same behaviour by multi-nationals, accounts for $7 coming out of Africa, for every $1 of Aid that goes in. ( Hypocritical? I think so.
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