the archbeard of canterbury has caused a bit of an uproar today by saying that we should maybe consider the views of others.
they are askng for people to text in to radio one about and they say they have got almost total opposition to this, i think mainly based on racist grounds.
i'm not sure whether the beard has got it right, but i applaud the fact that he is raising a question about someone elses's views and not just complaining about christian values not being represented in all laws and government policies.
and i applaud his beard too.
I winced when I heard about his comments - not because I disagree, but because I reckoned panic and mania would ensue. I read the Sun and Star in the chippie tonight while waiting for my curry chip, and they were full of 'traitor Bishop agrees with public lashing and execution' type stuff.
I'm totally in favour of free press, but so many members of the media are such loathesome pillocks who haven't a clue about balance...or they do but choose to go for sensationalist tosh instead...
What's so sad is that half of Britain seems to get it's information from the Daily Mail. ..
I'm with you.
I can't believe the level of vitriol coming at the beardy bishop from every angle. The Daily Mail crew are angry because British law should be kept British for the British. And the Guardian crowd are angry because it gives a voice to religious viewpoints and dilutes their vision of a thoroughly secular Britain. They seem to think Rowan Williams is just one fundamentalist opening the door to all other fundamentalists to destroy the nation.
I know the issues are complex and need debated, I don't really know what I think about his suggestions. But I wish people would respond a little less hysterically. This is a thoughtful, intelligent, compassionate man who wants us to think about how to share our country with neighbours of different faiths. I'm glad to see a Christian leader have the courage to ask these tough questions.
Nice one beard - you are clearly channeling St beard's beard power! This particular Bish-bap gives you beards a good name. Of all the comments in the media I enjoyed Jeremey "no pants can contain me" Paxma observing that: Rowman superbeard Williams "planted his Bishop's Crook in a Hornets nest on this one." I thought you would approve of anyone who makes a Bishop's crook joke seeing as they are your specialty.
Important lesson: don't listen to radio 1 they will just pollute your beard with shite music and crazy text polls.
Keep up the beardy posts, your fans salute you.
You'll be relieved to know that as a future bish-bap, I support RA. However, I'm not entirely sure that even he would approve of your language!
who is RA?
Rowan Atkinson?
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