Friday, 16 November 2007

crown jesus dickheads

i don't like fundies. is that so wrong?


lilytodd said...


Obviously you have a story to tell....?

I wouldn't share their views on everything but reckon they're part of the rich tapestry of life, they are certainly passionate, I wish I had an ounce of their conviction that every thing I say and do is right.

jayber crow said...

Who stole your fruit loops, beardy?

espero said...

Damn it, did it again-keep forgetting to sign myself in. Mustn't let Jayber take the blame for that last comment...he wouldn't be quite so cheeky...

Vox O'Malley said...

So that is what CJD stands for.

RG said...

Amen to that Bearded One. I hate them too...they make people like me, who feels there is some truth in scripture even where it is not often true (that's my position on the Bible really, it contains truths, but I'm not into much of the literal stuff)...look like raging fundamentalists just cos I have a churched background....

I have seen these particular idiots in action and they haven't a feckin' clue. They cause distress and confusion - no doubt they reframe this kind of response as the sword of conviction, the work of the holy spirit and indulge themselves with other waffly justification for their emotionally laden diatribes (usually targeted at the young and vulnerable) borrowed from generations of equally deluded fundies...!! ARRRGHHHHHH!!!!

However, they represent something that is endemic in conservative Christian culture when it really gets going - a smug certainty about individuals' eternal destinies which they peddle using fire and brimstone narratives, and wildly fantastical notion about their communciations and knowledge about God, the future and prophesy and crap like that...God, when one really thinks about the fundy message, emerges as the most morally bankrup character in all fiction...

Underneath all of this is the fundy makes me sick and is the reason I find so much church life so hard to stomach...

Their assumption is this....if you belieive in Jesus (i.e. are a creationist fundamentalist who eschews almost every form of secular thinking)...and adhere to the gospel (i.e. our rules and club structure) then you are eternally saved (i.e. not going to an eternal hell for conscious eternal torment)

At the end of the day their message is so utterly bleak it's bloody worthless....Most of humanity who do not have accordant beliefs will go to hell..and that ofcourse has to include the unbelieving lame, sick, children, people with learning disabilities/head injuries who have not cited Jesus as their saviour (why should they get a free pass if I don't?) fact nearly everyone except the blessed, enlightened fundy who keeps it real by selectuively interpreting the bible in intermittently literal ways....I doubt they send their wives to the edge of the tribe during menstruation while they propogate their homophobic ideologies and other Levitical derivatives which they choose ad lib....ARRRGHHHGHGHGH!

I also hate their total immersion in religious culture to the exclusion of any other meaningful reference point- they often hold wildly unjusitfiable assumptions about faith-based physical healing (I ain't never seen nobody healed of nothing that couldn't be better explained by psychological mechanisms or natural, physical recovery mechanisms - If a fundy can bering me one, then great, but I'll be waiting a looooong time for a genuine case!)

...the human race is bigger than this, we are better than this...we have brains to think with, and can live better than this dark age revivalism...Christianity, for all its hideous cultural incarnations, has at its root a message of love, respect, morality...The fundy hates faith being likened to secular morality - but atthe end of the day, fundies need to feel special, different, not like the world...

I'm losing my focus in an anti-fundy blarge!!!!

Thanks for the post Bearded One...I'm away now to speak in tongues and pray for your lost soul, as you're obviously going to hell cos you're not a fundy..

I had this dream in which he world ended...just after I watched The Day After Tomorrow - I think Jesus is coming back this week, I just know it!!!! I'll start work on my rapture-pad on the roof!

Robert M Price is a good place to start on a freh perspective on what we can learn and gain from Christianity without being mad fundies!!

ps, while I have affiliated my views here with those of the bearded one, I don't expect or suppose he would necessarily share all these - just wanted to say that!!

beardy bastard said...

i guess i just feel that if they can be rude about me(and people similar to me), i can be rude about them(and people like them).

sometimes i do think i should show more grace.

but other times i think that people who go around with their very obviously culturally slanted view of GOD and declare it as the only way need to be shouted down.

in the words of one wiser than i
"thank GOD you're not the jury,
thank GOD i'm not the judge,
here's to the bigger picture,
here's to the greater love" or something like that.

RG said...

That's no doubt a better view than my ulcer-inducing, 'sounds like it's late night and he's drunk on bourbon'-type, anti-fundamentalist rant.

Perhaps I am just a fundamentalist-anti-fundamentalist. .. When such things occur I might reduce to a single theoretical, non-physical point in the event horizon or something....or just develop psoriasis, a bad attitude and a duodenal ulcer...

Anonymous said...

you see... beardy bastard... this piece noir... should have been called ...

Tell me why i don’t like fundies

..its an opportunity missed i have to say

i however love fundies... they shine a light on faith taken to a logical conclusion