hello again
this summer, maybe more than most, people have been talking about the weather quite a bit.
i find it amusing and bewildering as to how many people actually believe angie phillips and her gang of weather guessers. the fact that the forecast changes between the lunch time bulletin and the tea time one surely is an indication taht they are talking out of their arse.
i don't know why they put the time on the "forecast", like saying at 8am tomorrow the weather will be...whenever they quite clearly have no idea what the weather will at 8am tomorrow.
but people continually fall for it, saying things like "it's supposed to get better on tuesday" or, "the forecast said it was going to rain, and it's lovely" .
i was in sligo at easter time and a guy said to me "they say it's going to be an amazing summer - the best for years", i was back there near the start of july, and teh same guy said "they say the rain's going to be with us all summer".
the fact that they clearly didn't know what they were talking about at easter, didn't stop him believing totally what they said in july.
anyway, i'm beginning to sound like one of those shit tv programmes about thingsthat really annoy people - did anyone ever see brassed of britain. maybe i should just phone big stephen nolan and tell him about it.
found this profile on angie, if anyone is interested..http://www.randomshite.co.uk/angie-phillips.html
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smell my clouds
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