christmas balls
i don't know, maybe i'm just getting old, but i find myself angered by all the talk of christmas, and in particular the emphasis on "what are you getting?"
since september people have been talking about what to get the kids for christmas, and asking bethan (who is two) what she is getting from santa.
now, i have heard the gibberish talked for years about the commercialisation of christmas and putting the christ back into christmas. i am tired of listening to people shouting about councils in england putting up signs saying "happy festivities". (i think that usually prompts a "it's political correctness gone mad"). i don't particularly care about those things, anymore than i care about the commercialisation of hallowe'en.
but my daughter is two. do you have to encourage her greed, coveting, and consumerism so early in life.
honestly, she would be happy enough with one toy, so why is she taught that she needs everything in the fucking argos book?
apparently, it would be unfair and mean to limit the huge volume of toys, clothes, sweets, and novelty items that she gets to an amount that she could actually enjoy.
i think there is probably a reason why they call children who get everything they want "spoiled" or "ruined". these are not good words, and they are not something that we should wanting for our children.
it all seems very ugly and immoral to me that we are all going to get and eat so much. at the same time if we don't consume our economy might collapse and people will be out of work, so maybe there is a future in promoting shopping as a socially conscious way to act. maybe not.
i don't to be all "grumpy bastard", but i really don't think this whole thing is healthy. what's the answer - i don't know.
maybe things like
present aid are the way forward. or
freecycle. what do you think?